Sunday, March 6, 2011

Open question to readers on China Media Express (CCME)

I realize I'm on an SEO roll talking about GMCR, Walmart, and now CCME - I will resume talking about stocks that nobody else is shortly.  I don't have anything to share about CCME, but am curious if any readers have anything to share about the situation in an archetypal sense.  I look at the situation and its clear I might have more insight into what its like to have breasts.  I wouldn't really know where to start.  There's a lot of conjecture in the debate that seems based on assumptions rather than knowledge of the operations of auditors, the industry it operates in, and the incentives of all the agents involved.  This applies to both sides of the argument.

My question to readers: I can definitely conjure up many examples of successful shorts of touted frauds.  Can anyone think of a successful long thesis based on a company not being a fraud?  Not in the sense that a long is inherently based on the company existing.  Has there ever been a company that people thought was a fraud and someone swooped in and took advantage of the uncertainty?

Talk to Andrew about a successful long thesis on a company not being a fraud

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